I know I know, everytime I blog I always say I will write more, well I can't make anymore promises!
So I'll just be around when I can. It's funny, having a job, a new hobby, and a husband, and a two year wipe me out EVERY day! weird, I know!
So anyway this past weekend I went to see "Sex and the City 2" (which by the way is awesome if you have kids and can comprehend!) Then, after the movie I get conned into picking the bar we go to. This always seems to happen to me. SO is it that my friends know how picky I am or, do they really just not care? food for thought I guess. BAck to the real story, we end up at Gloria's where we plan to have some wine and or margaritas. But lo an behold it turns out that on Saturdays this, normally low key El Salvadorian restaurant turns into a MAD salsa club and stays open until 2! Who knew! SO we danced the night away... but My friend Leah and I had not had enough... so we stop at another fav spot of mine... for last call.
Now Leah and I have recently discovered we are in fact EXACTLY the same! so as we are enjoying our last drinks of the night, and of course complaining about our 2 year old daughters, and crazy lives, and jobs, this guy over hears us. And so he wanders over, and says to me... "hey you are funny! I have been listening to you and was wondering if you do stand up?"
I am like, "well, no not really, although I LOVE microphones!, oh and crowds of people!"
so he says, "I run an open mic night at [sed bar] you should come and do two minutes to see if you like it!"
So of course Leah is like for sure!! Let's go! SO I practice for this guy, and he is totally laughing (I think)
But at this point I have hit my limit and may have imagined he thought I was a comical genius! None the less, open mic might was Monday night at 10 pm, and well, laets face it. That just isn't gonna happen! :(
So anyway moral of the story... when you happen to be funny at 1:45 am on a given Saturday night and a talent scout thinks you are funny, just go for it its two minutes. It may be hell, but at least I could have checked it off my list!
Until next time!
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